Friday, November 6, 2009

Start a Fire!

Susanna Wesley

I believe it is important for our children, and us, parents, as well, to study the lives of faithful servants of God. My daughter is presently reading a biography of Susanna Wesley.

Susanna prayed daily, "Dear God, guide me. Make my life count."

As a young woman, Susanna once said, "I hope the fire I start will not only burn all of London, but all over the United Kingdom as well. I hope it will burn all over the world."

Little did she know that the fire would soon come and it came about through two of her children, John & Charles Wesley. These two sons became leaders of the evangelical revival in the Church of England in the eighteenth century. Susanna's son, John, while part of a group of men studying Martin Luther's Preface to the Epistle to the Romans, was impacted by what he read and became profoundly aware of the love of Christ displayed by freely forgiving his sins and granting him eternal life. After experiencing the joy of this revelation, John and Charles Wesley began spreading this wonderful knowledge of the saving love of God, thereby sparking revival in the hearts of thousands.

Susannah was rewarded for her faithful labor as a mother. She was a highly disciplined woman who had a clear vision for her children. I am inspired as I read of her disciplined routine for her large family without the conveniences of today's world. I am sure that her routines were foundations in enabling her sons to be highly disciplined students of the Word and His ways.

After I read the quote aforementioned (in red letters) my heart was stirred, for I too desire to start a fire. I pray that I be a "match" to ignite a flame that will burn brightly in the hearts of my children. May the flame in each of their hearts shine in a dark and lonely world bringing hope to many.

Our lives as mother's truly count! Our faithful labor, be it changing diapers, helping our child memorize a Bible verse or disciplining in love, if done for the glory of God, will be rewarded! Join me in starting fires for God's glory!

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